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HOPS360° | Shepherd Neame

HOPS360° | Shepherd Neame

A walk through a hop harvest


Shepherd Neame is Britain’s oldest brewer. We were asked to produce a world-first for brewing, a 360° Video exploring the centuries old story of the annual harvest.


We suggested a creative treatment which combines immersive 360° Video production methods combined with self-authored storytelling from the ‘godfather’ of UK hop growing, farmer Tony Redsell sharing the story of hop picking. Combined with with motion graphics viewers are led through the journey from bines to the kiln.

HOPS360° | Behind the Scenes
HOPS360° | Behind the Scenes

HOPS360° gives viewers a unique opportunity to be part of the experience that we enjoy here in Kent every Summer.


Working with Digitom on this project using exciting new technology has resulted in a video that we’re pleased to share with a global audience.

John Humphreys, Corporate Affairs Manager

HOPS360° | Craft Beer Rising Launch
HOPS360° | Craft Beer Rising Launch


Finalist at the Kent Digital Awards 2017 for ‘Use of Video for Business’.

HOPS360° received 27,000 views on Facebook in its first week

If you’re contemplating using video or animated content as part of your marketing or communications strategy, get in touch.

We’d love to start a conversation with you.

STUDIO: +44 (0)1892 520697 EMAIL: [email protected]

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